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    Mich wundert nur, dass sich die meisten über Hydra vs Tantrum aufregen.

    Fand das war ein enger Kampf, beide wären verdiente Sieger.

    Minotaur vs Witchdoctor fand ich deutlich kontroverser. Zum einen der unstick, zum anderen das Ergebnis der JD. Imo Minotaur eindeutig der Sieger. Was ich so mitbekommen habe sah das die überwiegende Mehrheit der Builder so. Gab jedenfalls Applaus von allen Buildern als Minotaur danach die Pit Area betreten hat.


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    Seth Schaeffer hat dazu eine gutes Video gemacht. Mi der Zusatzinfo bezüglich Kommunikation mit dem Referee stimme ich dem Ergebnis zu, dem Unstick aber nicht.

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    To the BattleBots community, I want to address a couple of points that pertain to last night's finals. First, I can assure you that the producers have never asked the refs (or anyone that I know of) to manipulate the fights in anyway. As refs, our goal is always to be as consistent as possible and follow the rules. Of course, we are not perfect and the referees themselves don't always agree. Some of what we do is subjective but we believe that we follow the rules to the best of our abilities. We understand that being a referee is not easy and that we need to be able to take criticism. We are completely open to that, are always listening and learning. But no, the fights are not manipulated by the referees in anyway. The most challenging part of BattleBots is dealing with controlled movement. As I read through many of the social media post, I see lots of different opinions/viewpoints on who won last nights fight between Minotaur and Witch Doctor. I (ref John) believe Minotaur should've been counted out. Obviously, the other ref did not. Looking back at the fight, I think Dave (the other referee) made the right call to let it go. I was also the one that called the time out to unstick. Unfortunately, the numerous and sticks that have happened both in this season and many of the seasons past have never been shown on TV and have always been edited out. So I don't blame fans one bit for feeling like the rules have been manipulated because they had never seen that before. But there have been many times we've called timeouts to unstick. And let's remember, the rule state that the unstick timeouts can be called in specific situations and not in others. So I believe we've been consistent with that but from a fan standpoint it may not look that way. And that is totally fair criticism. During the Minotaur v. Witch Doctor fight, an edit was made to shorten the time (I guess for TV) that it looked like the timeout was called immediately. It was not called immediately however, I probably could've given it another two or three seconds. Always learning lessons. If you read the rules you will clearly see that certain places in the arena allow for a referee to call a time out and to unstick. There are also times when the BattleBots officials feel that it is not safe to unstick and therefore send it to the judges. Sometimes this makes television and sometimes it doesn't. But in no way does it change the outcome of any of the fights. Maybe you agree with the decisions of the referees or maybe you don't. Certainly we welcome any and all feedback. We have thick skin and we've been doing this for a long time.
    As for the judging, we have three judges for a reason. Sometimes they see things differently than me and other times they do not. But I do see a lot of split decisions and I never feel that judges show favoritism. They seem to have their system and they follow it. During breaks, I've asked them why they made a decision and they've always had good feedback to support what they believe. Personally, I would love to see and hear from the judges after each fight. That would certainly help them explain why they scored a fight in a particular fashion. I've gotten to know all the judges over the years and I know them to be dedicated and unbiased. I don't believe they would ever do anything to intentionally stack the deck against any particular team. Things happen very fast in the Box, and while they have a monitor for viewing, their vantage point is clearly from one side of the arena. They are also sitting down and are closer to the arena floor where as the referees are standing up and have a better vantage point. Referees can also move around. It does get challenging for referees when we have large number of teammates and a very limited amount of space for viewing. We try to stay out of their way while also maintaining eye contact. Not always an easy task but nonetheless part of the job. As for the judges, I don't believe they've manipulated the outcome of any fight nor have have I seen anyone else for that matter. The judges do disagree with each other but mostly I hear them talk about wanting to get it right and how important that is. All three of them are former competitors and they personally know what it's like to win and to lose.
    BattleBots is so fortunate to have the best teams in the world and they all want to win. They put their heart, soul, and a lot of time and money into the sport. Every bit of passion shows and they are great at what they do. I love watching them get excited and its important for them to feel comfortable letting me know their feelings in the heat of the moment or at any time for that matter. I don't fault them in anyway for feeling frustrated when they feel like something has been taken away from them. But I can assure everyone, I have seen nothing that would indicate anything nefarious.
    Our fans are equally as passionate as our teams and I absolutely love when they engage in the sport. You can agree or disagree on just about any aspect of reffing, judging and the rules. Its great to see and hear from our passionate fans. I always welcome that. We also listen to what many of you say and take that into consideration. This season is no exception. The rules have evolved since day one and we will continue to refine them. We try to be as proactive as possible and anticipate any potential challenges that may arise. Sometimes we get the rules right and sometimes we don’t. But we always do our best to make them fair and reasonable. The referees also started a new tradition of trying to get around and talk with each team prior to the beginning of filming. The purpose of this is to clarify any rules and or listen to any challenges the teams might have. Because of this, we were able to adjust some of the rules and clarify things that some of the teams really were frustrated with. We went to bat for the teams because we also felt that the rule wasn't written very well. As the sport evolves so will the rules. There will be times when things work and there will be times when things don't. But I can assure you that when they don't, they will always be looked at and we will make every effort to fix them.
    But let me be clear, no fight in any way has ever been manipulated by the refs nor do I believe any fight has ever been manipulated by a judge. Nothing is fixed. The producers do not dictate the outcome of any fight. We strive to be perfect but know we are not. BattleBots can and should do a better job of explaining the rules during the show (i.e. stuck under the rail of the deck verses stuck leaning on the deck). I know this would help the fans a lot. Rules need to be cleaned up and clarified (i.e. controlled movement). All of these things are already in progress.
    I believe that BattleBots is so truly loved and cared for by the fans that it's only right they have a voice and express both their pleasures and displeasures with the show. Please know, you are loudly heard and we know you care.


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    Also m.E. waren beide JD absolut richtig. Sowohl WD als auch Tantrum haben verdient gewonnen.

    Das Rumgemache von den Leuten von Minotaur fand ich echt albern.

    Rad ab is Rad ab. Wenn das controlled movement gewesen wäre, hätte er ja angreifen können. Konnte er aber nicht... Und was spricht dagegen dass WD taktisch agiert hat? :/ Immerhin ging es ja um die Wurst...

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Ich glaub wir brauchen nicht mehr als Spoiler schreiben, wer es immernoch nicht gesehen ist selbst schuld.

    Rad ab is Rad ab. Wenn das controlled movement gewesen wäre, hätte er ja angreifen können.

    Nach der Logik müsste Walker Chomp automatisch ausgezählt werden, dem kann jeder Gegner wegrennen 8o

    Und was spricht dagegen dass WD taktisch agiert hat? :thinking_face: Immerhin ging es ja um die Wurst...

    Das Judging Criteria Aggression und einen Punkt im Regelbuch, dass man den Kampf automatisch verliert wenn man nur wegläuft.

    Der Link weiter oben funktioniert nicht mehr, daher hier nochmal das Video von Seth Schaeffer. Das erklärt die Hintergründe ganz gut. Ohne die Hintergrundinfos hätte finde ich Minotaur den Sieg verdient (bzw. WD die Niederlage), mit Hintergrundinfos WD. Finde die Referees haben da auf kompletter Linie versagt. Der unstick entsprach nicht den im Reglement beschriebenen Prozedere oder vergleichbaren Präzedenzfällen (Whiplash). Dann noch die Misskommunikation zwischen den Referees in der zweiten Hälfte.

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    Wegen den kontroversen Entscheidungen in der letzten Folge hat ein (nicht direkt betroffenes) Team übrigens Sponsoren verloren.

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    Und was spricht dagegen dass WD taktisch agiert hat? :thinking_face: Immerhin ging es ja um die Wurst...

    Ganz so einfach war es wohl nicht...

    That’s a wrap on BattleBots Season 6! We’ll post more about the full episode this week, but we wanted to address a question we’ve seen a lot on social media - why didn’t we engage Minotaur in the second half of our fight?

    Each team has their own Referee during the match. The countdown can only be started by that team’s Ref. Multiple times throughout the last 90 seconds of the match, we heard our Ref advise the other Ref to start a count down. I looked over a few times and saw the other Ref in his countdown pose closely surrounded by the Minotaur team. We thought maybe we just couldn’t hear the countdown from our side.
    It’s important to note that a countdown does not start while the opponent is engaging. Our Ref kept telling us a countdown was about to start, so we didn’t engage. Mike continued to drive around the arena to show our functionality. We never expected that this fight would make it to the judges, since we were repeatedly told a countdown would start. Once we realized that the match was approaching an end without a countdown, Mike goes in for one last hit to show that we could engage and leave that final impression with the judges.

    Leading up to this match, we saw Black Dragon lose after continuing to engage Hydra, and we saw RotatoR lose after continuing to engage Tantrum. In both of those matches, a count down was extremely likely if the attacking robot had allowed it to happen. We did not want to make the same mistake.
    We’ve seen unbelievable amounts of aggressive and disrespectful comments in response to this episode. We welcome civil discussion, but we will remove any personal or vulgar attacks directed toward BattleBots, Minotaur, or ourselves. We will continue to set the best example we can for young viewers, and we hope the BattleBots fan base will do the same.

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    Nach der Logik müsste Walker Chomp automatisch ausgezählt werden, dem kann jeder Gegner wegrennen :winking_face_with_tongue:

    Damit hätte ich auch kein Problem :D

    Ist aber auch nur meine unqualifizierte, subjektive, voreingenommene und persönliche Meinung :saint:

    Da Einrad-Minotaur nicht ausgezählt wurde, hätte man Ribbot auch nicht sofort auszählen dürfen (gegen Hydra).

    Ribbot hatte m.E. noch weitaus mehr Restkontrolle.

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    Wird Zeit für die Auswertung der Tip Runde, hier nochmal das gesamt Ergebnis, für die die es noch nicht gesehen haben, nicht rein schauen...

    Gesamt Ergebnis Staffel.6


    Teilgenommen haben 7.Leute, Tips mit Ergebnissen habe ich zum Download bereit gestellt damit es jeder selber nachprüfen kann...


    Die Plazierungen sehen wie folgt aus...

    7. finger.im.ohr ... 13 Punkte

    6. IceMaster ... 14 Punkte

    5. IBF ... 15 Punkte

    4. Buchi ... 15 Punkte

    3. Runsler ... 16 Punkte

    2. Team Explosive ... 17 Punkte

    1. Natrium ... 18 Punkte

    1.Punkt für einen Richtig getippten Kampf, beim Richtigen Staffel Sieger wären nochmal +10 Punkte gewesen, hatte nur niemand!


    Hat die Trophäe Orakel erhalten.

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    Hui, 3. Platz? wie passiert mir denn sowas, ich hab bei sämtlichen Tippspielen sonst immer den letzten^^

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    Auch meinerseits danke für's Kümmern und die Erstellung der Auswertung!

    Glückwünsche an die Bestplatzierten mit dem besten Riecher für die Leistungsfähigkeit der Bots! *SektkorkenKnallt*

    Hui, 3. Platz? wie passiert mir denn sowas, ich hab bei sämtlichen Tippspielen sonst immer den letzten^^

    Kenne ich auch so.... Dreimal in meinem Leben Lotto gespielt. Und dabei jedesmal "Null" Treffer, also keinen einzigen Richtigen. Entspricht nicht dem Gesetz der Statistik, sondern eher Murphy... :/

  • Problem an battle bots ist du darfst mit den bot mit dem du dort antritt bei keiner anderen Veranstaltung antreten heißt selbst wenn bei mir Luzifer fertig ist kann ich damit nicht zu Bastle Bots weil er schon bei Robots Live und Robot Wars war selbst wenn es ein Neubau ist!
    Was mich brennend interessiert was man selber für diese Rechte bekommt?!

    Habe gelesen das man bei Battlebots hilft den bot wenn er dann umgebaut ist mit einem neuen Namen neu vorzustellen, weil es schwierig ist festzulegen, was der gleiche und was ein anderer bot ist, und das hängt bei denen wohl stark mit dem Namen zusammen 🙈

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    Ich hab mich dieses Jahr zurück gehalten was das Posten von Bildern über BattleBots von Facebook an geht, macht einfach keinen Sinn mehr, Facebook haben wohl Ihren Algorithmus so hin gehend verändert, das die Links gut jede Woche geändert werden, somit also für Foren völlig unbrauchbar, ich hab so gut es geht nun alles auf meinen PC gespeichert, und für euch in einer .rar Datei zusammen gefaßt, wenn jemand was braucht...
