walker specifications

  • According to the last rules on walkers the schritt must be twice as long as the height.

    Does there actually have to be a height?


    a snake doesn´t actually lift its body up in order to move, it just removes the weight from parts of its body. the weight is transfered to different parts of the body and the rest just slides along the ground. therefore the height is zero.
    (I know its a bad example, a snake isn´t a walker, but it explained what i meant)

    try, try, and try again

  • Fact is, mentorn want to see "real" legs! No one can built a bot 0 mm high. So you have to multiplied your robot high with 2 to get the leg-lengthens. Every other idea will be defined as "no walker" or shuffler. It´s hard, but this year it was very clear, that a walker has to be a machine were everyone can see "clear" "real" legs. I think anything else won´t be desired. :kotz1:

  • the legs would have to have about 2mm play room at the joint so that when another leg pushed it would have no weight on it, just slide.

    I realize what they want by robot wars is legs with joints like a person or animal. but the fact is there are no animals which can run as fast forwards as backwards. Therefore the "idea" that a walker´s legs has to resemble an animal´s leg is actually not practible for a robot. 20kmh forwards and 1/2 kmh backwards will get you nowhere fast in a fight. =)

    try, try, and try again