Team Razers Fahrer steigt aus

  • Vincent "Vinny" Blood von Team Razer hört auf...


    Gasp! Shock! Horror! After 5 seasons with Team Razer I've decided to call it a day. Even though I did little on the construction and maintenance of the machines, the admin and website work has always kept me very busy. My wife Emily has been incredibly supportive and understanding, and now it is time to repay her by spending more quality time with her. We plan to move to the States to live in a few years, and it would be great to experience more of the UK and Europe before we do so. I also have aspirations as a writer, and to make that happen I need to free up my time.

    I've had the best time anyone could wish for as part of the Razer team - 15 trophies for Razer and Warhead, including 2 World and the UK Championship. I've had great experiences and met so many good roboteering people that to try and list them would be a mistake. You all know who you are and I wish you all the best in the future. Me and Em will still pop along to the odd show to keep in touch. The fans have been terrific and I will miss the cheers as much as anything else.

    Finally, thanks to Ian and Simon for giving the opportunity to be part of their success. They have been very understanding of this move. Keep on doing what you do best - winning!

    Vinny, for the last time as part of Team Razer



  • Kann kein Englich!

    ACH WAS NUR'N WITZ :jeah: !!!

    Hatte den Text vorher nich richtig durchgelesen!
    Deswegen wieso denn! =)

  • Übrigen "Tekst" schreibt man mit "x" also Text =) =) =)

    Aber auch egal!

  • Wenn Du schon Rechtschreibfehler korrigierst, solltest Du eventuell vorher deine Tagline überprüfen. ("past" dürfte einer genaueren orthografischen Überprüfung wohl auch nicht standhalten ;) )

  • Ja, is ja gut ich hab's auch schon gemerkt aber ich kann ja mein Posting nich mehr zurück holen und korrigieren...

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Erstens : Das kannst du doch. Dafür gibts den Edit-Button bei allen Beiträgen die du editieren darfst.
    Zweitens : Deine Signatur kannst du auf jeden Fall im Profil ändern.

    [SIZE=1]Hey Jungs, das tut mir echt leid, aber wir brauchen

  • UPS! hab garnicht gemerkt das in der Signatur der Fehler is!!!!!
    Ich dachte im Posting das ich geschrieben hab..... :schäm:

    Werd ich gleich mal ändern!!! :)